Subcontractor Lists

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Find Commercial Glazing Subcontractors in Los Angeles

We built this tool to make finding great commercial glazing subs easy for GCs in Los Angeles.

Simply enter your specific glazing needs and the area of LA you’re working in, from Downtown to the Valley, Hollywood to the Westside. Your list of top LA glaziers with contact information, quality metrics, and 8 other data points will be delivered via email in 1-3 days.

Whether you’re working on sleek curtain walls in Century City, custom skylights in Malibu, or storefront installations in Venice, we’ll connect you with LA’s best glazing contractors. Our database covers all glazing specialties and all parts of Los Angeles.

Just fill out the form now to find your subcontractors!

*we are not paid to influence results in any way.
*we do not spam your email.
*we do not sell your data.

Commercial Glazing Resources in Los Angeles


Learn About Commercial Glazing in LA

  • Licensed glaziers in Los Angeles (2023): 3,500
  • Average annual salary for glaziers: $59,000
  • Glazing companies: 450+
  • Average hourly rate for journeyman glazier: $36.75
  • Number of apprentices in training: 450
  • Glazing permits issued annually: 22,000+
  • Average cost of residential glazing project: $3,800
  • Projected job growth (2022-2032): 9%
  • Percentage of union glaziers: 28%
  • Number of major commercial glazing projects (2023): 200+
  • Estimated glazing infrastructure needs over next 5 years: $550 million


For all LA subcontractors that meet your specifications, you get:

  • Company name
  • Distance to project site
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Quality rating
  • Licensing status
  • And more! 

First off—we’re free! Just give us a try, and you’ll see why GCs across LA love us.

100% coverage

Our lists cover all of Los Angeles county—all 88 cities!

Data Quality Assurance

All information we deliver is up to date with publicly available data.

Fast Turnaround

1 to 3 day delivery

Easy Setup

No account creation & 20-second request submission.


County Cities




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Subcontractor Lists

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Find Commercial Glazing subs now.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, it’s 100% free and there are no hidden fees. You do not need to pay nor create an account

No! Actually, you couldn’t create an account if you tried. To submit a request, just scroll up to the form on this page.

Most of our clients use the lists to find subcontractors for upcoming projects. That said, whatever use you have for our lists, is good by us!

Just fill out the form at the top of this page (scroll up).

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